Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This I Believe: It is a contest

So, after more editing, I swallowed hard and send my "This I Believe" essay off to NPR. Apparently, I feel like I am ready for some rejection on a national scale.

When you send in you essay they send you back an email saying that it was received successfully. The funny thing is, in the letter they tell you that it isn't a contest and that every essay they receive is wonderful and worthwhile and will be included on their searchable database... only after it isn't chosen to be recorded for broadcast. In fact, they tell you that you can tell when the review process is over by searching for your essay on their website. If you find it there, and you haven't hear from their office yet, you are wonderful in the "not good enough to be picked for recording" way.

Lucky you.

Starting eight weeks from Sunday, or probably sooner, I will be searching obsessively for, and wholeheartedly expecting to find, my essay there, because I am special... in just that way.

1 comment:

Dean Hougen said...

In a way, you're both winners. But in another more accurate way, Barney is the winner.