Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big news, good and bad....

It was the best of times and the worst of times... has someone already used that?

In any case, the best of times: THE ARTICLE IS OUT! If you are so inclined pick up the July issue of Real Simple and on page 162 you will find my first article in a national magazine! Plus big, full-color photos of me and the family too.

The worst of times: Clearly a blog is not the place to do this but I can't call everyone so here goes for those who don't already know. Last Wednesday I got the results of my latest MRI and, while the tumors on my spinal cord don't seem to have grown or multiplied since last fall, they did find a brain tumor. It is in the center of my brain and therefore surgery is not an option. I will have Gamma Knife Radiosurgery the first week of July. I am mostly okay and I am hopeful that everything will turn out alright. I’m not really sure what else to say but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me their wishes and prayers. It means the world to me that I have such wonderful friends and such a caring community!

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